Raising Your Spirits

Darkness Doesn't Exist

Tony Gyenis Season 4 Episode 223

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In this podcast edition a  message from spirit is about "Darkness Doesn't Exist" Information on a few topics on dealing and creating dark energies that we experience. Tony explains that there is no source of darkness because that is why we come into physical is to experience what it is like to be in shades. 

Tony channels many examples of why we are having such a hard time with dealing with lower energies and a few techniques we can use to deal and address these shades of light. Everyone has some good or light within them but at times we are not so sure when we see how poor we treat each other. We were not meant to be of light when we came to this world but for something else. Discover it in this podcast. 

This Meditation only podcast channel with Tony and his Tuning Forks: 

In the meditation portion of this podcast we used the Moonlight Meditation: https://raisingyourspiritsmeditation.buzzsprout.com/2122250/12334343-moonlight-meditation

Support the show

Here is a link to Tony's many classes coming up: https://lovehigherself.com/events

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/susanneandtony17 for Tony's Tuning Fork meditations.

Podcast Library: https://raisingyourspirits.buzzsprout.com

New Meditation only Podcast Library: Raising Your Spirits Meditation Podcast (buzzsprout.com)

Tony Gyenis conducts free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation on Fridays called Tune In with Tony which is a private Facebook group. Book your spot here: https://calendly.com/whitelight878/tune-in-with-tony

If you would like to donate or support our channel to help keep us going we would so appreciate it:

Tony's eCard: https://link.v1ce.co.uk/pbex/tonygyenis