Raising Your Spirits
This is a creation to help make positive changes to your business and personal life through spirit messages. This podcast series will attempt to help enhance the energy streams in and around your body through the use of Tuning Forks, Crystals, Meditations and Distance Healing. If you are ready to accelerate your energies and really make dynamic changes to your life this Podcast Channel from Tony Gyenis is for you.
Enjoy your vibrational growth with us.
Raising Your Spirits
Cultural Chants of the World
In this podcast Tony channels Spirit to talk about the different ways other cultures and countries use chanting and other vibrations to address their version of clearing energy for optimum balance. No matter what country the methods of inviting harmony and dispelling negative energies are different but all have to do with being closer to the Gods, Spirits or Higher Realms.
We are all one as there is no separation between us. Many countries are taught to hate each other and to pull apart families resulting in many types of mental illness or the feelings of being alone. These ancient chants and energy work is depicted from many cultures in the meditation portion which is their answer to connection with the Gods. Hope you will enjoy this journey in this podcast.
This Meditation only podcast channel with Tony and his Tuning Forks:
In the meditation portion of this podcast we used the Cultural Chants of the World Meditation: Cultural Chants of the World Meditation - Use Headphones
This is the same as the post roll original but this 2nd version has a 2 second pause so it won't starling a person after the meditation is finished and they are in an altered state. It has also been faded in a little better so it won't be so loud all at once.
Here is a link to Tony's many classes coming up: https://lovehigherself.com/events
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/susanneandtony17 for Tony's Tuning Fork meditations.
Podcast Library: https://raisingyourspirits.buzzsprout.com
New Meditation only Podcast Library: Raising Your Spirits Meditation Podcast (buzzsprout.com)
Tony Gyenis conducts free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation on Fridays called Tune In with Tony which is a private Facebook group. Book your spot here: https://calendly.com/whitelight878/tune-in-with-tony
If you would like to donate or support our channel to help keep us going we would so appreciate it: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1648510/support
Tony's eCard: https://link.v1ce.co.uk/pbex/tonygyenis