Raising Your Spirits

What is Your Addiction?

Tony Gyenis Season 4 Episode 237

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In this edition of Raising Your Spirits Tony channels spirit about addictions. What is your addiction and where did it come from? Tony gives several examples of how and why willpower is not the best solution to address addictions.

Tony channels a number of questions from Spirit like if cocaine for instance is so addictive why isn't everyone an addict on this drug? How come there are so many addictions for different people? Discover the answers in this podcast.

This Meditation only podcast channel with Tony and his Tuning Forks:

In the meditation portion of this podcast we used the Addiction Meditation: The Addiction Meditation

This meditation was created to experience the start of the breakdown of an addiction. Play this as often as you can or are able. There is one ingredient that if it is missing an addiction will be the result. Find out what that is in this meditation podcast.

We have used our own Past Life Meditation soundtrack along with a poem by Rupi Kaur from the book "The Sun and her flowers". Click the link to the book. I highly recommend this book. It is a beautiful arrangement. We played our Past Life Meditation with this poem at the same time to create a unique sound and power to help you address your addiction in a different way; as a gift. 

This is the same as the post roll original but this 2nd version has a 2 second pause so it won't starling a person after the meditation is finished and they are in an altered state. It has also been faded in a little better so it won't be so loud all at once. 

Support the show

Here is a link to Tony's many classes coming up: https://lovehigherself.com/events

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/susanneandtony17 for Tony's Tuning Fork meditations.

Podcast Library: https://raisingyourspirits.buzzsprout.com

New Meditation only Podcast Library: Raising Your Spirits Meditation Podcast (buzzsprout.com)

Tony Gyenis conducts free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation on Fridays called Tune In with Tony which is a private Facebook group. Book your spot here: https://calendly.com/whitelight878/tune-in-with-tony

If you would like to donate or support our channel to help keep us going we would so appreciate it:

Tony's eCard: https://link.v1ce.co.uk/pbex/tonygyenis