Raising Your Spirits

The Eclipse Meditation

Susanne Shields and Tony Gyenis Season 1 Episode 153

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This meditation was created as a tribute to the energies of the April 8th 2024 Eclipse that occurred. This was an energetic triumph that our world, moon and the sun all aligned in a very special way. The aftermath of this eclipse will bring a new way we will stand up for ourselves.

Instead of the season of Spring where normally things renew, are born, start to bud with the beginning of life it will bring an element of things closing. The end of something or the final chapter of an old life and to close it once and for all.

The Sun represents the masculine part of you and the Moon is the Feminine and the Earth is the plane you are on and grounded. When all these energies are in sync you have a beautiful life. This 999 second meditation will help enhance your ability to move on when you listen to the sounds of the frequencies. Listen to it at least 3 times over the next week. The more you listen you can find a deeper meaning within you.

After I had added all the frequencies that spirit told me to include they ask me to add the sound of space. We already know that space is not silent. There are a plethora of sounds in the Universe. So I looked for hours trying to find sounds of space and each time spirit said that was not it. In the end I couldn't find anything spirit liked and it was getting late. I asked again do we really need this as I don't have it. Spirit responded by saying its okay you already have it. Then it dawned on me and I asked, "Am I the sound of Space?". They said yes you are.

We have used the 528 Hz, Sun & Moon frequencies, the OM or the Earth vibration, 999 Hz and many others to create an experience like no other. The frequency of 999 Hz gently reminds you that you have the freedom of choice at any point in any situation. Choose wisely and meaningfully.

To get the full effect of this soundtrack, listen to this while chanting to yourself the following words, "I am the Sound of Space". Enjoy!

This is the same as the post roll original but this 2nd version has a 2 second pause so it won't starling a person after the meditation is finished and they are in an altered state. It has also been faded in a little better so it won't be so loud all at once. 

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